after know about cellular technology development in previous post, so in this posting explain about concept base of celuler technology at begun with cellular definition.
cellular system is sophisticated because this system divide a area in a few little cell. this be used to ascertain that frequency can spread until that achieve to all parts in certain area so that several users can use their mobile phone simultaneously without rest and without falter.
in system cellular, to describe scope area geographically used depiction heksagonal, this area called cell. And in this system use three heksagonal. So, why use heksagonal not circle to describe a cell? Okey to answer question, please see the picture 1

picture 1
if you describe a cell in circle, so cell one with another will not mutual continual finely. in cellular system, all regions be included without existence gap cell one with other so that curve heksagonal more represent, because scope area can be depicted with rapih with include overall area. to be more detail you can see in picture 2,

Picture 2
where a antenna send and receive signal in three different regions, where every cell only covered just part from third cell covered. several shaper important components system from cellular itself cellular device likes Base Station Radio, Antenna and Base Station Controller will regulate traffic from several cells and will connected with public telephone network.
in next posting be explained about Network Architecture of GSM
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