6. MCU (Master Control Unit)
MCU is program or datas exist in handphone bound in audio IC, this data has permanent or from factory, like: handphone program version, IMEI, year maker, and phone code. In nokia generation dct-3, we can take this data from other handphone in good condition then can save it in computer as data reference (extention *. fls). One file *. fls extention keep two datas that is MCU and PPM if we use program flasher dct-3. But if use program griffin, ufs-3, prodigy, jaf, or program flasher newest another so the program permanent divided will be two, that is mcu and ppm, only to discern that MCU file usually ended with number 0 while PPM it is end with font/alphabet. But not all handphone kinds be taken the data, like handphone that belong to dct-4 or another new handphone because there aredata that provided by programmer. Usually extention from datas like mcu it’s permanent and number 0, then ppm also extention with font/alphabet, except for handphone nokia 3650,7650 and 6600, or new handphone extention cx or c1 to mcu.
This data is much the same with MCU, but only specialize in language, ringtone/polyphonic, and standard program from handphone. This data is is not has permanent or canbe chage and add new programs.
this component is basically is also data storage, but in character only temporary, because component in the work manner depend on electricity current that flow in series. if handphone deadens so directly data will lost by itself. This component is very related tight with activity CPU. ever greater Capacity from RAM so CPU in good performance, but if RAM damage so CPU can not work.
9. Charging IC
this component works automatically moment charging battery, functioned to charge and regulate voltage charging battery that controlled by CPU by controlling IC.
10. UI IC
functioned as that data controlling by CPU IC in vibrator, buzzer, led and has as automatic electric switch in handphone.
11. ic pa
he function as amplify end signal that be radiated throught component antenna switch found on handphone.
12. IC RF
Functioned as signal controlling rx (receiver) and tx (tranceiver), so that every part can work well. This component consists of some part that is: If, Mixer, Oscilator, Detektor, Enkoder, Dekoder, Afc, Tone Frequency And Squelch.