Thursday, May 28, 2009

Component And Function Part 2

6. MCU (Master Control Unit) 

MCU is program or datas exist in handphone bound in audio IC, this data has permanent or from factory, like: handphone program version, IMEI, year maker, and phone code. In nokia generation dct-3, we can take this data from other handphone in good condition then can save it in computer as data reference (extention *. fls). One file *. fls extention keep two datas that is MCU and PPM if we use program flasher dct-3. But if use program griffin, ufs-3, prodigy, jaf, or program flasher newest another so the program permanent divided will be two, that is mcu and ppm, only to discern that MCU file usually ended with number 0 while PPM it is end with font/alphabet. But not all handphone kinds be taken the data, like handphone that belong to dct-4 or another new handphone because there aredata that provided by programmer. Usually extention from datas like mcu it’s permanent and number 0, then ppm also extention with font/alphabet, except for handphone nokia 3650,7650 and 6600, or new handphone extention cx or c1 to mcu.

 7. PPM 
This data is much the same with MCU, but only specialize in language, ringtone/polyphonic, and standard program from handphone. This data is is not has permanent or canbe chage and add new programs. 

8. IC RAM 
this component is basically is also data storage, but in character only temporary, because component in the work manner depend on electricity current that flow in series. if handphone deadens so directly data will lost by itself. This component is very related tight with activity CPU. ever greater Capacity from RAM so CPU in good performance, but if RAM damage so CPU can not work. 
9. Charging IC
this component works automatically moment charging battery, functioned to charge and regulate voltage charging battery that controlled by CPU by controlling IC. 

10. UI IC
functioned as that data controlling by CPU IC in vibrator, buzzer, led and has as automatic electric switch in handphone.
11. ic pa 
he function as amplify end signal that be radiated throught component antenna switch found on handphone. 
12. IC RF 

Functioned as signal controlling rx (receiver) and tx (tranceiver), so that every part can work well. This component consists of some part that is: If, Mixer, Oscilator, Detektor, Enkoder, Dekoder, Afc, Tone Frequency And Squelch. 

To be continue Component And Function Part finish

READ MORE - Component And Function Part 2

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Component and Function Part 1

several important components found on handphone alongs with the function

1. Power IC (CCONT) 
To distributed current and voltage 
2. Audio IC (COBBA) 
this IC has function as voice signal processor that enter from RF IC, then at strengthen and sustained to speaker, amplify that in advance by mic be electricity oscillation then sustained to RF IC, run command from CPU. in Audio IC also found PCM (Pulse Code Module) and EEPROM that functioned to read signal code receive from operator to suited with handphone imei. beside that also functioned to keep data’s has permanent like imei, phone code, etc. 
CPU is electronics component integration and will be functioned as according to the task each. this component has task very significant, because this component is brain from a handphone. Equally cpu centre from handphone system work. 
functioned as handphone data storage not permanent equally can be changed or add with datas in computer. this tool is same the function with hard disk in computer. 
5. EEPROM (Electrically Erase Programable Read Only Memory) 

this component functioned as data repository in handphone that designed doesn't irrespective electricity current existence from handphone, because there are special battery or have electricity current, usually this component keeps factory data likes imei1, imei 2, security code, program version and maker date. but for brand handphone nokia data newest product found on this component is irreversible. 

to be continue in Component and Function Part 2

READ MORE - Component and Function Part 1

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Data and Audio Part

Data Part

Data Part functioneds as operating system that cultivate data and give command to entire parts found on part mobile phone. Data Part component consist of :

5. LCD 

Function CPU with support component is: 
1. IC CPU is data processing centre in handphone 
2. IC CPU work helped by IC RAM as saving operating system / program that walk in cellular telephone and IC FLASH that keep temporary data’s, and can be changed direct in mobile phone if user willing. 
3. while keypad here have functioned to command CPU to do data process appropriate handphone user willing 
4. LCD is getting command from CPU to displaying entire process that are walking in handphone. 
procedure every part : 
1. Data has been entered into to handphone has passed program that is on cable flash (to flasher) and data cable (to application) 
2. Data from computer that is PPM and MCU step into Ic Flash and Ic Flash keep data Ppm that consist of menu, application and language, this data kind temporary and convertible direct by user 
3. While data MCU sent to EEPROM (Elctrically Erase Programable Read Only Memory) that consist of handphone identity that is IMEI, sec. code and phone code 
4. CPU helped by IC RAM functioneds to processed data PPM exist in flash IC to sustained to ic hardware and displayed in screen (LCD) and check data in EEPROM as handphone identity to recognizable by CPU. 

Data Processing Diagram 
in newest cellular telephone set in this time there are some IC that is united to be one or integration, like: 
this component has consisted of several components that integration, among others: 
Ic Power Supply 
Ic Audio 
Ic Charging 
this component has consisted of several components that integration, among others: 
3. Ic Flash 

Audio Part 
that part in this component: 
Ic audio 
Loud speaker / ring tone poliponik 
1. Ic audio as voice signal vibration amplifiying sustained to loud speaker as voice signal vibration changer is voice vibration. 
2. Microphone will change voice vibration will be voice signal vibration that Amplified by Ic Audio. 
for telephone set kind selularl ringtone polyponik also cultivated by ic audio and sustained to loud speaker ringtone 
procedure every part: 
1. IC Audio gets voice signal from RF IC to Amplified and continued to loudspeaker 
2. In loudspeaker voice signal be be changed to be voice vibration so that audible. 
3. Microphone change voice vibration is voice signal and sustained to ic audio 
4. In voice ic signal audio is braced and amplified to RF IC to at transmit to pass part TX. 
5. Function CPU as controlling from work audio IC and regulate performance data IC formed audio. 
6. Voltage that step into IC audio that is Vbb as stanby voltage, Vcobba as voltage input moment to work it entire parts in audio ic and voltage vref as detector / voltage controlling into audio Ic. 
READ MORE - Data and Audio Part

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Receiver-Tranceiver Signal

Diagram Handphone

Part of Signal Receiver (RX) 
Part or component in mobile phone consists of several component is: 
1. Antenna 
2. Switch antenna 
3. Filter rx (filters) 
4. Transistor (lasing rx) 
5. IC RF
6. VCO 
7. IC Power Supply 
to detect that work or not in part rx (receiver), knowable by see from mobile phone in network setting selection, then choose menu manual in network choice. 

Procedure every component part: 
1. Signal received by antenna then to switch antenna as terminal 
2. Switch antenna will take two signals RF for handphone dual band), that is DCS-RX (1800mhz) and GSM-rx (900mhz), second signal sustained to filter as RX signal, signal rx be filtered and sustained to transistor.
3. In second transistor, rx signal be braced to can sustained to filter as RX signal RX signal to filtered and divide signal is 4 parts, that is take outside two signals DCS-RX and two signals GSM-RX that sustained to IC RF 
4. IC RF/IF mixing RX signal and appropriated with frequency from VCO 
Part of Signal Tranceiver (TX) 
Component in handphone (mobile phone) have fuction to tranceiver signal consists of several components, this component is : 
1. Antenna 
2. Switch antenna 
3. Filter rx (filters) 
4. IC PA 
5. IC RF
6. VCO 
7. IC Power Supply 
for detection that works or not part on TX (Tranceiver), can be used lamp radiation/ multitester. 
1. Switch on handphone by using sim card 
2.Do calling to 112 (emergency number) 
3. Put radiation lamp / multitester at elbow antenna part 
4. To multitester put to calibrate in 10V AC
5. When does lamp alive/ needle multitester move, mean TX work. 
procedure every part: 
1. Output VCO will be processed by ic RF, output ic RF is four signals, that is two signals DCS-TX and two GSM-TX then be follow up to filter part TX (Tranceiver) 
2. VCO also functioned as power detector to regulate pulse voltage from RF IC in data delivery to CPU. 
3. in filter fourth signal output at send by RF IC at form is two signals TX, that is DCS and gsm to contiuned to PA IC 
4. in PA IC second signal braced for Tranceived then sustained to TX filter. 
5. in signal second filter is filtered and sustained to part switch antenna 
6. switch antenna that functioned as terminal and bundle second signal DCS andGSM to radiated to pass antenna 

Part Stripe Scheme Signal (Rx/Tx) 
1. as a whole signal part in handphone is helped by Audio IC as voice signal beginning amplifier that comes from Receive part (RX) to continued in loud speaker and voice signal beginning amplifier that comes from microphone to continued Tranceiver (tx) passes RF IC. 
2. crystal 26 mhz functioned as signal generator to controls out signal in RF IC at send to audio ic in part AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) also as voltage regulator as according to related components need that controlled by CPU. 

READ MORE - Receiver-Tranceiver Signal

Friday, May 15, 2009

Component in Mobile Phone

Fundamental component in cellular telephone set is grouped to be some part : 
1. Power 
    Power part is component that give voltage in every related component and work on command CPU
2. Signal (rx and tx) 
    Signal part component that regulate signal (in and out) and will send the data to cpu to be       cultivated or processed 
3. Data (operating system) 
     This data part functioneds as operating system that cultivate data and give command to      entire parts found on cellular telephone set 
4. Audio part 
   This part component that cultivates or work for voice vibration process that enter or secretory voice vibration 

Power part 
this power part is divided from several that components in cellular telephone set, that component is among others: 
1. Batteray 
2. Ic power supply 
3. Switch on/ off 
4. CPU 

When handphone in a state off, batteray give current/voltage to handphone, that is to ic PA, ic regulator, ic charging, ic interfaces 

Ic power have function to process and divide current / voltage from batteray then take outside stanby voltage to cpu 

When handphone on, CPU get negative voltage (-) from switch on/off, then cpu command to IC power supply for supplying current/voltage to every part in handphone 

In Charging process, current/voltage from charger enter to R fuse that functioned as fuse/safeguard in the event of overload current into charging IC. 

Current/ Voltage that enter to charging ic will be processed and be taked as output and must as same with batteray voltage. 

In charging ic found charging sense as data formed controlling that ic power supply, the function in the event of not appropriate with performance charging ic, so power ic will decide charging and will send data to CPU IC that charging is fail or not charging. 

Power supply will take output voltage after handphone in on state, except vbb voltage that functioned as stanby voltage.

If damage in power supply IC happen, there will be no stanby voltage / vbb from power supply. 

READ MORE - Component in Mobile Phone

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cell Phone Basic Theory

i would like to introduce you about cell phone basics and the very basic techniques with the cell phone works.  while beginning to the main technology of cell phones you should know about the basic sections of a mobile phone. A conventional mobile phone contains three main sections prescribed as under.

1. Radio Section
2. Power section
3. computer section 

Radio section 

  A radio section is based on two main Circuits.

• Transmitter 
• Reciever 

  A simple mobile phone uses these two circuits to correspond to an other mobile phone. A Transmitter is a circuit or device which is used to transmit radio signals in the air.and a reciever is simply like radios which are used to recieve transmissions(Radiation) which is spread in the air by any transmitter on a specific frequency.

  The two way communication is made possible by setting two transmitters and two recievers sycronized in this form that a trasmitter in a cell phone is syncronised with the frequency of other cell phone's recieving frequency same like the transmitter of second cell phone is syncronised with the recieving frequency of first cell phone. So first cell phone transmits its radiation in the air while the other phone listens it and same process is present in the opposit side. so these hand held two cell phones correspond to one another.

Power Section

 A power section in mobile phones is designed to handle energy matters that is cosumed in mobile phones.There are two main sub sections in a single power section.

• Power Distribution and switching section 
• Charging Section 

  A power distribution section is designed to distribute electricity to the other sections of a phone. this section takes power from a battery (which is figured commonly 3.6 Volts)and in some places it is steped down to various volts like 2.8 V 1.8V 1.6V etc.while on other place it also steps up the voltage like 4.8 V. this section is commonly designed around a power IC(and integrated circuit) which is used to distribut and regulate the voltage used in other components.

  The Charging section is based on a charging IC which takes power from an external source and gives it to battery to make it again power up when it is exausted.this section uses conventiolly 6.4 V from an external battery charger and regulates it to 5.8V wile giving it to battery. The battery is made charged by this process and it is ready to use for the next session.

Computer Section

  a computer section is used in mobile phones to handle decision making applications like making decision the phone should be power on when its power switch is pressed down one time and on the other time the phone should be powered off. this section is commonly based on around three main components

• RAM( Random Access Memory) 
• ROM,Flash(Read Only Memory 
• CPU( Centeral Processing Unit) 

The very first part is a memory component which commonly saves in it self user defined setting of a phone and contacts Numbers. the informations in this memory chip is editable by user easily

The second Component contains mobile phone's operating system which is not editable bye user but it is only in special conditions
The Third Compnent is as like a simple brain used to understand differnet situations ad to make decisions and to hold control on other components as well as sections
READ MORE - Cell Phone Basic Theory

Friday, May 8, 2009

GSM Network Architecture

Network in Global System for Mobile Telecommunication (GSM) composed from several functional entity that divided to be 3 (three) parts that is: 

1. Mobile Station 
mobile station is equipment that brought by customer or that’s means the cellular telephone or mobile phone . Mobile station consist of radio transceiver, Display and Digital Signal Proccesor (DSP) and Sim Card (subscriber identity module). In global system for mobile telecommunication (GSM) calling identity doesn't related with the handphone but with sim card so, when does sim card inserted to other terminal then user will get calling and can do call back from this terminal. and can get the other customer service. Mobile equipment or handphone uniquely can be identified with International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMEI) while sim card has International Mobile Subscriber identity (IMSI) that can identify customer. But IMEI with IMSI not interdependent so be used in individual mobility. Equally we can move sim card to other handphone.
                                                               Picture 1 (Mobile Station) 

2. Base Station Subsystem (BBS) 

Base Station Subsystem (BBS) be device that restrain connection between radio with mobile station. Base Station Subsystem consist of two parts that is: Base Transceiver Station (BTS) that contain transceiver radio that handle a cell or region and relate to mobile station and Base Station Controller (BSC) that have function regulates radio connection between one and several base transceiver station. Besides also base transceiver station connect between mobile station with Mobile Service Switching Center (MSC) 

                                                                    Picture 2 (Base Station) 
3. Network Subsystem 

 Network Subsystem that be part predominantly mobile Service Switcing Center (MSC) the use to do switching network mobile user with network mobile user or permanent. Mobile Service Switching Center (MSC) also prepare connection with PSTN network and ISDN. Between functional entity this use signaling system number 7 (SS7) that used to trunk signaling in ISDN and used widely at general network now. 
information about mobile station kept in two location register that be a data base. First Home Location Register (HLR) containing all administration informations from all registered customers in GSM network alongs with location from mobile station. Location from a mobile station kept in the form of Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN). while second Visitor Location Register (VLR) contain of selected administration information from Home Location Register (HLR) need to call control and permission for user service subscribe to every user. Other register that used to autentikasi and security Equipment Identity Register (EIR) that be list containing data base mobile station valid in GSM network identifikasi via number imei. while autenthication center protection data base that keep copy PIN (Personal Identity Number) that used to autentifikasi. 
                                                Picture 3 (Mobile Network Architecture) 

READ MORE - GSM Network Architecture

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Base concept of selullar technology

after know about cellular technology development in previous post, so in this posting explain about concept base of celuler technology at begun with cellular definition.

cellular system is sophisticated because this system divide a area in a few little cell. this be used to ascertain that frequency can spread until that achieve to all parts in certain area so that several users can use their mobile phone simultaneously without rest and without falter.

in system cellular, to describe scope area geographically used depiction heksagonal, this area called cell. And in this system use three heksagonal. So, why use heksagonal not circle to describe a cell? Okey to answer question, please see the picture 1

                                                                        picture 1

if you describe a cell in circle, so cell one with another will not mutual continual finely. in cellular system, all regions be included without existence gap cell one with other so that curve heksagonal more represent, because scope area can be depicted with rapih with include overall area. to be more detail you can see in picture 2,

                                                                     Picture 2

where a antenna send and receive signal in three different regions, where every cell only covered just part from third cell covered. several shaper important components system from cellular itself cellular device likes Base Station Radio, Antenna and Base Station Controller will regulate traffic from several cells and will connected with public telephone network.

in next posting be explained about Network Architecture of GSM

READ MORE - Base concept of selullar technology

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cellular Technology Development

telecommunication technology development is begun amps ((Advance Mobile Phone System), GSM (Global System for Mobile), and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

AMPS (Advance Mobile Phone System)
Amps be first generation in cellular technology.This system at allocation in band 800 Mhz. This network uses integrated circuit very big that consist of computer dedicated and system switch. Amps use range frequency between 824 mhz - 894 mhz that used in analog mobile phone. Amps only at operate in band 800 mhz and doesn't offered fitur other used occasionally in cellular service likes e-mail and browsing at web. Amps use range frequency between 824 mhz - 894 mhz that used

GSM (Global System for Mobile telekomunication)
GSM be second generation after AMPS, GSM first time taked in the year 1991 and begin to bloom in the year 1993 with adopted by several countries likes africa south, australian, mid-east, and north america.
Gsm first time prepared to be system telecommunication moves that has international scope based on in technology multyplexing time division multiple access (TDMA). GSM has frequency 900 mhz besides gsm also will use frequency 1800 mhz by the name of personal communication network. GSM also will prepare service to will send data with high-speed that use technology high speed circuit switch data (HSCSD) that can to send data until 64 kbps up to 100 kbps.

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
Cdma will be third generation (3G). telephone technology without cable very be feeled the development, with cellular telephone kind assorted appearance. this time that is blooming telephone without cable that use code devision multiple access that use distribution technique spectrum. will differ from global method system for mobile communication (GSM) that uses time division multiplexing (TDM), CDMA doesn't give sign in special frequency in every user. every channel will use spectrum available fully. individual conversation at encode or at will encode with digital arrangement according to pseudo random. cdma will be development amps time first at will use by united america military as communication intelejen when does war. development cdma not as soon as development gsm many adopted by a large part operator at assorted country.
next  posting will be explain about base concept of celluler

READ MORE - Cellular Technology Development

Monday, May 4, 2009

What is SMS ?

Along telecommunication technology development, mobile phone can be used to send text message (SMS).The acronym SMS stands for short message service. SMS is also often referred to as texting, sending text messages or text messaging. The service allows for short text messages to be sent from one cell phone to another cell phone or from the Web to another cell phone, or a handheld device such as a Blackberry. Gradually SMS is gaining momentum in the US as a low cost messaging solution. SMS is defined as text messages, up to 160 characters in length, sent to mobile phones

The most popular way to send text messages is using software. When using software there is no cost associated with the sending of messages. Depending on the carrier that you are sending to messages can be sent any number of ways. Different carriers use different standards or protocols, the common protocols supported by most software is: via modem (TAP, UCP), the Internet ((SNPP, WCTP) and via email (SMTP). Software is flexible and often allows for group or scheduled messaging. Another benefit to software is the ability to automate processes, sending SMS alerts when specific conditions exist often without the need for human interaction.
In 2000, less than 20 billion SMS messages were sent; by 2004 that number had grown to in excess of 500 billion messages. The largest market for SMS is Southeast Asia, with Europe just behind.

In addition to person-to-person communication via SMS, a number of television shows have begun accepting text messages for various purposes. Shows which have a voting system, such as American Idol, have begun integrating SMS voting, allowing viewers to easily make their choices using only their cell phone. In Europe, the idea has been pushed even further, with shows that allow viewers to control characters on screen using their cell phone's SMS capabilities.

Some online services, most notably Google, have integrated SMS capability to allow for the easy retrieval of information through one's cell phone. By texting a special number, for example, a cell phone user may receive information ranging from local weather, to sport scores, to where the nearest bus station is in their town. In addition to such regional information, services like Google SMS can also be used to quickly find the definition of a word, to convert one unit of measure to another, or to answer trivia questions. Using SMS, one can in essence access the vast informational resources of the Internet using only a cell phone.
Why people use SMS???SMS is a convenient, cost effective alternative to voice messaging. Less expensive then voice calls, non intrusive message,integration capabilities.
READ MORE - What is SMS ?

Friday, May 1, 2009

What is Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone is wireless communication that is communication moves without cable with mobile device. technology wireless this bloom at full speed in one decade latest this. principle from communication wireless this use radio canal apart to communicate with cell site.
A mobile phone or mobile also called cellphone and handphone, as well as cell phone, cellular phone, cell, wireless phone, cellular telephone, mobile telephone or cell telephone is a long-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites. 

In early, Basic function of Mobile phone is voice function its mean that we can call another people in another place with mobile phone or mobile phone use to conversation. But, with technology development handphone have addition fitur, additional services and accessories. Such us: SMS (Short Message Service)send and receive message in text, MMS (Multi Message Service) for sending and receiving photos and video. We can send and receive email with mobile phone, because for the moment mobile phone can to access to the Internet. So, actifity to browsing, chatting, surfing can be down with mobile phone. Another fitur : MP3/MP4 Player (play music or video),radio, GPS (Global Position service), camera digital with video recorder,video call. conectifity with Infra red, Bluetooth and USB to transfer data. Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations (cell sites), which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception is satellite phones).

READ MORE - What is Mobile Phone